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How to Stop Conflict within a Dental Practice

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In a perfect dental practice, there would never be any conflict. This means there would be no arguments, no bickering, and jobs would get done without tension and without friction.

Unfortunately, it’s not possible for your team to see eye to eye all the time.

It’s important, however, for you as a practice manager, to ensure that any arguments that do come up don’t get out of hand.

Remember that the number one thing to consider is that conflict doesn’t get in the way of your patient care, because if the quality of your practice starts to slip, your profits will go along with it.

Whether you are looking to sell, or to hold on to your business for a while, a dental team with less conflict will mean a more enjoyable work environment and a more profitable business.

Here are three ways to stop and prevent conflict in your dental practice

  1. Ensure that everyone has a voice.

To keep conflict to a minimum, make sure there is a platform for everyone to express his or her opinion. It’s almost always going to be the case that the louder members of your staff are more vocal than the quieter ones, but you can prevent any tensions from brewing by offering a platform for more introverted individuals to be heard.

This may be best addressed in a weekly meeting, or just by personally asking them what they think of specific things within the practice.

  1. Focus attention on common goals.

If your staff has a common goal that they are working towards, they’re far less likely to argue. In fact, in a best-case scenario, you can get them to band together and form bonds as a team.

Try setting objectives and timelines for your team to adhere to, with creative incentives that motivate them to work together.

  1. Be a leader.

Leading means a few things. First, you need to be prepared to step up and deal with the conflict head-on when it arises. This means being objective and willing to put the good of the business in front of any personal connections you may have with staff.

It also means taking definitive actions without hesitation and being willing to deal with any backlash from employees.

Finally, being a leader means knowing when to cut your losses, so if someone is not good for the longevity of the practice as a whole, you’ll have to cut them.

Office conflict may seem normal, but it can have a devastating impact on the quality of your business operations and the value of your practice. Try implementing these tips today and see the positive impact that they can have on the nature of your practice.

Posted on Oct 26, 2015
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