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5 Tips to Make Your Facebook Dental Practice Page Stand Out

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If you’re selling a dental practice, one way to boost your engagement with your local community is through social media.  An active Facebook page will establish you as an authority in your field and help to nurture relationships with the community.

Here are five simple steps you can take to make your Facebook page stand out:

  1. Post consistently. Set a schedule that you can stick to. With Facebook posting three to five times a week is recommended. Facebook provides a scheduling tool that allows you to plan and schedule posts in advance, so you could schedule all posts for the week at one time.
  2. Create posts that invite responses. Post questions to get your followers to engage with you on Facebook. This has two benefits. First, having a conversation on Facebook where you are interacting with the community helps to establish a relationship with your followers. If they feel comfortable with you and how you respond to them online they are more likely to walk through your door as a client or refer you to their friends. Second, Facebook ranks posts with engagement higher in their algorithms and will allow those posts to be seen by more people.
  3. Share photos. This can be photos of your staff, both in the office in day-to-day activities and outside of the workplace. Share photos of any community events you may be involved in. Photos of happy patients showing off their smiles, as well as before and after pictures of patients that have had restorations done.
  4. Share valuable health information. Dental health tips, general health tips, posts that look at home treatments, reviews of different types of toothbrushes or oral care products.
  5. Pay attention to the timing of your posts. Most studies show that engagement is higher in the evenings, late night and on weekends, as most who work cannot access Facebook from their work computers. You want to make sure you’re scheduling your posts to coincide with the times that it will get the most views. Review your analytics dashboard in Facebook to see when your engagement activity is the highest.

These simple tips will help you have an active Facebook page and become known as a caring, local dental practice. While it will not directly impact your dental practice valuation, it does have the capability to make your dental practice more of a household name within your local community. Your dental practice broker can also utilize your Facebook page to share information with prospective buyers to give them a better understanding of your clientele.

Posted on Sep 22, 2014
Image Credit: ©
