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4 Dentistry Marketing Trends to Look Out for in 2017

Main Content A+ A- A 4 Dentistry Marketing Trends to Look Out for in 2017

As the dramatic year that was 2016 comes to an end, it’s important to look towards the future.

While it’s difficult to predict exactly how the economy will change in 2017, we can take measures to ensure our small businesses have the best chance of thriving.

Adopting an effective marketing strategy can boost business and establish you as an expert in your field. An innovative marketing campaign can generate consistent leads in addition to adding value to your dental practice.

Here are 4 Dentistry marketing trends to look out for in 2017.

  1. Storytelling and Interactive Digital Ad Campaigns

In the digital age, audiences have become immune to the barrage of traditional image-based digital advertising, which may lead to an increase in video marketing.

Video-based digital advertising campaigns target potential customers in your area and allow you to tell a story that has the power to increase patient trust. Posting videos of your practice across social media channels highlighting your service offerings keeps you on the radar of your current (and potential) clients.

  1. Increasing Interest in Automation

Traditional sales funnels lead customers from awareness of your brand to interest, decision and finally action. This outbound strategy can be both slow and costly for your dental office.

Creating an automated marketing funnel allows a symbiotic relationship between your marketing and sales, and is vital for dentists who want to maximize leads and minimize time and energy. The most obvious way to capitalize on this is through an email marketing campaign. Once you have captured the email address of your prospect, send them a series of emails that offer value and lead towards a sale. Campaigns can also target customers you already have, so they are periodically reminded of your services and remain repeat customers.

  1. Continuing Importance of Customer-Service Orientated Dentistry

Dentistry has become an increasingly cosmetic-focused industry in recent years, with younger patients looking to dentists to ensure picture perfect smiles. However, there is still a fight against old stigmas that prevent many from going to the dentist’s office.

With the rise of platforms like Yelp and Trip Advisor, which facilitate customer reviews, it’s increasingly important to ensure that your patient feels satisfied with the services you provide. Encourage happy clients to write a review of your services online, and make sure to address any negative reviews directly and in a professional and timely manner.

  1. Personalized Dentistry

Ensuring your clients have a personalized experience is an important part of quality customer service.

You and your staff need to make an extra effort to personally remember patients’ names and details and that any points of contact you have with them can reinforce that knowledge.

People have become tired of the impersonal relationship they have with corporations and big businesses. Sending out holiday and birthday cards, or even simple text messages and updates can break down the barrier between the business and consumer. Taking the time to personally interact with your patients will introduce a familiarity that people want with the services they need.

Even if you are looking to sell your practice in the future, it’s important to ensure that you have effective and current marketing tactics in place. A strong marketing campaign will notably increase the value of your practice.

What marketing trends are you anticipating in 2017? How are you looking to incorporate these new trends into your business strategy? Let us know in the comments!

Posted on May 8, 2017
Image Credit: ©
